Hemp Oil vs CBD Oil: What is the difference?

We have recently written an updated blog (CBD OIL: MYTH OR FACT) to reflect the new changes. 

On November the 12th 2017 Hemp was finally legalized for consumption and since then the Australian market has been inundated with new products hitting the shelves. With the Hemp industry being so new to Australia, it is a confusing time for consumers to understand the difference between Hemp Oil, CBD Oil, Hemp CBD Oil and their uses.

First things first, we are legally able to grow, produce and sell Hemp Oil as a consumable in Australia but as for CBD Oil, this is currently prohibited.

So what is the difference between Hemp Oil and CBD Oil?

Hemp Oil and CBD Oil are both produced from the same Cannabis Sativa plant and contain less than 0.3% of THC the psychoactive component in marijuana that gives you the ‘high effect’. So, it may not contain THC but different parts of the plant contain higher and lower amounts of cannabidiol (CBD)! CBD is a compound found within the plant that is most commonly used to produce CBD Oil which can treat cancer, seizures and chronic pain.

Therefore, the difference between Hemp and CBD Oil lies within the part of the plant you use to produce the oil. The parts of the Hemp plant that contains the highest amount of CBD are the flowers, leaves and stalk, these parts are used to produce the CBD Oil for medical purposes.

Hemp Oil, on the other hand, is produced from the seed of the plant and only contains very low, if not any trace of the CBD compound. Hemp is used as a superfood to improve your daily health as it contains high amounts of Omega 3 & 6, Protein, Fibre and Magnesium. So you might start feeling healthier and stronger by taking Hemp Oil, but unfortunately, it cannot be used as a medical treatment for cancer, seizures and chronic pain like CBD Oil can.

Then what is Hemp CBD Oil and why is it being sold in Australia?

Like we mentioned above, it is legal to use the seed of the Hemp planet to produce Hemp foods such as Hemp Oil out of it. But it is currently prohibited in Australia to use the flower, leaves and stalk for the production of CBD Oil. 

As for Australian Hemp CBD Oil, we recommend doing your research to make sure it is the real deal! Because of the restrictions around producing CBD Oil, it is likely that Hemp CBD Oil sold in Australia may only contain incredibly small amounts of CBD that are found in the seed of the plant and therefore may not have the therapeutic effect intended. We recommend speaking to your GP or naturopath before changing to plant-based treatments if you have a medical condition.

We hope this has cleared up any confusion between Hemp Oil and CBD Oil!

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